State Park bldg with golden foliage behind it, all shining in the reflecting pool

In this uncertain time of constantly-changing precautions and restrictions as part of a worldwide attempt to control the spread of the Coronavirus, COVID-19, there can be no doubt that stresses are high. We are all acutely aware of the upheaval and turmoil currently being experienced by businesses, families and individuals alike. 

One way to try to relieve some of that stress is to turn to nature. LL Bean, in a recent statement to their customers with regard to COVID-19 is quoted as saying, "We are at our best when we're outside. Today, more than ever, we believe the outdoors is still the best place to find perspective and connection - and to help us all feel better. A short walk outside or looking out the window to see signs of spring can be an important counterbalance to the pace of news and information we are receiving." We couldn't agree more!

Saratiga Spa State Park sign at entrance with colorful bush and flowers in the foreground

 Geyser Creek with trail alongside and mineral deposit wall surrounded by greenery

Saratoga is an area that is surrounded by natural beauty, not the least of which can be found in the Saratoga Spa State Park. On March 16, 2020, NYS Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced a waiver of all fees to state, local and county parks, opening up the park to those looking for something to do amid this unprecedented shutdown of daily life. 

Roadway bridge crossing over the creek with blue sky and green trees

So take advantage! Walk along the Avenue of the Pines and be awed by the majesty of the towering trees that line your route. Or wander along the miles of hiking trails (see map) that wind their way throughout the park; through wooded areas, along the roadways and past the golf course. Enjoy the famed Geyser Creek Trail and examine the mineral deposits along the route, in addition to the Island Spouter and Orenda Spring. And be sure to keep your eyes open for the sure but steady signs of spring. 

Avenue of the Pines with sunlight throwing shadows across the road and cars driving up and down

Do you have an interest in the mineral springs? Download the handy Mineral Springs Guide published by NYS Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. It gives a brief history of the springs located throughout the park, as well as a map indicating their locations and brief points of interest on each. Bring paper cups and sample some or all of the waters. This is a good opportunity to explore and appreciate all the things that make Saratoga so special. 

State Park buildings across main lawn with blue sky and white clouds, large branch with blossoms across the top of the photo

Welcome sign overlooking Geyser Creek taken from the bridge going into SPAC

It is critical that we maintain social distancing, wash our hands and adhere to the restrictions imposed upon us during this difficult time. But head outside, enjoy the arrival of spring, and take some time to refresh and rejuvenate your mind, body and soul. The exercise will do you good. 

We hope everyone is well.