Video is an incredibly effective and powerful tool for all types of businesses. Video can help explain complicated topics, is a medium of content that people want to consume, and is easier to create than ever with today’s smartphones and tools. Video content is used by a wide variety of businesses to meet their marketing goals, specifically retailers.
Let’s explore these four ways that retail stores can use video to improve their marketing strategy.
1. Gather In-Store Reviews
Nothing beats feedback from your customers. 93% of consumers stated that online reviews influenced their purchase decisions. Why not gather reviews from customers who are already in your store? Include a QR code on their receipt, on signage in a sitting area with a prompt to scan it and complete a written or video review. You can also test out incentives for completing reviews, such as a discount off their next purchase.
2. Promote Your Events with Video
If your store hosts events, you can promote them with videos to get people excited about your event. Experiment with some different types, like countdown videos until the day of your event, recaps from prior events, or videos with your team explaining what will be happening this year. On the day of your event, be sure to capture videos of people enjoying themselves for future event promotion and film video testimonials from event attendees.
3. Highlight Short-Term Discounts
In-store signage is always a great way to advertise short-term discounts on your products. But you can expand your reach by posting videos about your discounts on social media. Make the most of short-format videos and post them to Facebook and Instagram stories or on TikTok. This strategy works especially well for short-term discounts, because you can showcase your deals in the moment without them staying on your feed forever.
4. Unveil New Products
Video should especially be utilized for significant marketing moments, like when your business releases a new product. Take advantage of this exciting event and film a video release for your digital audience. You can add to the hype of this new product by posting some teaser graphics and videos in the lead-up to its release. If your new product is more complex or needs more explaining, you can also create a how-to video for people to use in your store or after purchase.
Take your retailer’s marketing strategy to the next level with video. Insightpath offers an easy-to-use video marketing platform tool, VideoRequest. From customer testimonials to videos for social media, VideoRequest makes it easy to create, edit, and share videos. Get started with a free 14-day trial today.
About the author:
Terry Nawrot is the co-Founder and CEO of Insightpath, a video marketing platform ( Collect video testimonials from customers, onboard new employees with a video training gallery or send video emails to prospects to enhance your sales process. Collect, create, edit and share more videos with our all-in-one video tool.